
The story of your fields can be right at your fingertips.
Taranis brings you clear, actionable, leaf-level insights so you and your crop advisor can make input decisions with more speed and certainty than ever before.

Input your field boundaries and planting dates.
Using Taranis, users can enroll farms and fields into the system. Prior to and during each growing cycle, advisors update grower field information according to the service plan, such as crop type, plant date, planting population, and row spacing.

We scan your fields throughout the growing season.
Taranis captures data from drone imagery and satellites covering millions of acres at leaf-level (submillimeter) resolution.

Actionable insights delivered.
Automated analysis transforms imagery into actionable information, empowering you to make impactful decisions. Our AI models deliver unparalleled insights, leveraging the most extensive crop imagery dataset and a robust quality assurance process, all supported by deep agronomic expertise.

Do you know what is affecting your profitability?
It's time to take action!

Get off to a good start this growing season.
Use the dashboard to sort all your fields, filter your insights and determine where to prioritize your time.

How will emergence affect me?
The stand count insight tags each plant and calculates your overall plant population for every field.

Why am I seeing weed pressure?
The weed pressure insights tag and identify each weed species and calculate the overall pressure for every field, allowing you to determine what went wrong.

Leave a note for next season.
The Field Timeline shows all your insights on a single field throughout the season.
Making and sharing
notes is easy! Work with your advisor to make in-season decisions and plan for the next.

My advisor just notified me of a nutrient issue in my South Farm
With the Taranis mobile app, your farm is always with you. Mobile notifications will alert you to timely field health issues, allowing you to take immediate action with your advisor.

Looks like they recommend a sulfate fertilizer.
The Taranis mobile app syncs with your account and allows you to view high-resolution insights wherever you are. Partner with an advisor who always has eyes on your fields.

Why am I seeing defoliation in some fields?
Insects and defoliation are indentified, and the overall pressure is calculated for every field so you can determine what action to take.

This disease pressure looks manageable.
Sometimes disease pressure requires intervention, and sometimes it just needs to be monitored.
identifies and tags disease threats in every field. It's not always about finding problems; it's also
about verifying what you did right.

My advisor spotted an issue in my home field.
The Advisor Evaluation keeps an open, agronomy-backed coversation with your advisor on every field throughout the entire season.

I am seeing a change in my plant health.
Having a precise picture of nutrient deficiencies on all your acres allows you to take timely action and determine what is and isn't working.

How is my nutrient program working?
With NDVI satellite imagery you can see anomalies and field health trends over time in every field to catch problems and verify your decisions.

How did we do this season?
Understand your results before you go into harvest. Refine your strategies and enter the next season with a more informed plan to maximize productivity and profitability.

Know before you go next year.
With data from previous years available to you and your advisor, you can better plan the upcoming season. This includes decisions on inputs, crop rotation, seed selection, and other interventions to secure your business.

Spend time on what matters most.
See every acre in leaf-level detail without ever stepping foot in a field. Evaluate results, prioritize feilds and revise plans thoroughout the season with timely crop intelligence. And, preserve your legacy by developing long-term strategies that will help keep your operation profitable for generations to come.
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